Friday, January 10, 2025



This is just a quick post to notify anyone interested that my blogging (and commenting) presence will be limited for a short period. Being a man of a certain age, and not having the best ergonomics at my home work station (something I've been meaning to "get 'round to" improving), I'm dealing with a rather nasty bit of carpal tunnel.  This has happened in the past, and I've found that the only solution is to strictly limit my keyboarding and mousing to priority emails and the occasional online purchase. (Fortunately, I'm no longer working, so am not forced to do the hours per day of keyboarding that came with that).  

In short, I basically have to go "cold turkey" at the keyboard to prevent getting sucked in and aggravating the condition further. I'll be saving up content in the meantime for when I'm back in the swing of things.


Friday, December 27, 2024



Apologies--and credit--to bloggist Bob Cordery and his "Other People's Portable Wargames" series for the title of this post, which is not about content here at Meanderer Central but to bring attention to  Chocolate Box Wars  (CBW) developments posted by two of my friends and fellow club mates on their blogs. 

AJ's 1859 Austrian Army on AJ's Wargaming Blog

Mark D's British Intervention Force and Union Army on Mark D's Gaming Site. These armies were also featured in my Nov 23 and Nov 26 posts. 

Both of these bloggers are coming off a lull in blogging activity, so a bit of traffic will, I'm sure, provide a helpful boost as they get restarted (we all benefit from having more active blogs out there). 


Tuesday, December 24, 2024



Merry Christmas and 
Holiday Greetings From Our House to All Who Have Visited Here by Accident or Design...

...and From Claude, the Atomic Reindeer...

...Who Glows.


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