Saturday, March 1, 2025



Green-coated Austrian Dragoon in 1866 with the M1861 Cavalry Saber hanging below his sword hand on its wrist strap.  
Image from the New York Public Library Vikhuijzen Collection

Seeing the rise of the previous Sword Lore posts among the favorites in this blog, I thought I'd take some time to do another. This time, we look at Austria's combat sword during the era of Konnigratz and the Risorgemento: the M1861 Cavalry Saber. As with the Prussian 1852 cavalry saber, I'll be discussing a service sword in my possession. As usual, in this post you may clix pix for BIG PIX...

The Austrian army from the Hungarian Revolt through the Seven Weeks War and after, from 1848 to 1866+, was engaged in much conflict and went through transitions (like many others armies). Much of this is beyond the scope of this post. Sticking to the topic of cavalry weapons, though, not only was the Austrian cavalry arm undergoing force structure and unit transitions, but it along with these it was working through an unusual number of weapon patterns. Specifically, it went through five different models in 20 years: the 1845, an 1850, 1858, 1861, and 1869 pattern cavalry sabers. Getting back to the point of this post, we'll take a look at the 1858 model, which was the immediate predecessor the M1861.
M1858 Cavalry Saber
M1858 Hilt and Guard
(images from: Ortner, With Drawn Sword: Austro Hungarian Edged Weapons from 1848 to 1918, photographed from text in the author's collection).

The M1858 was found unsuitable for various reasons (balance, materials, and a few other points), bringing on the redesign leading to the M1861. It is instructive to take a look at it, not only for comparison since it immediately preceded the M1861, but also because it exhibits unique Austrian characteristics that persisted through the era. Looking at the hilt, you see there are two slits at the front of the guard above the spine of the blade (under the quillon). These are for the wrist straps. Nearly all cavalry sabers have a form of these, but they are almost universally located under the pommel at the back of the hand guard. As far as the hand guard itself, it is a symmetrical half basket with symmetrical circular perforations, another signature of Austrian cavalry sabers. So, if you ever find yourself looking at a sword with these two features, you know that you are looking at an Austrian (or Austrian patterned) saber. Take note of the position of the "ear" (the bit that comes down from the backstrap on the handle): the presence and position of this is another Austrian signature.  While we're at it,  note the flexible scabbard ring as well (we'll return to this when discussing the M1861). 


Museum quality examples of the M1861 Cavalry Saber (Trooper's version, left, and Officer's, right). The background displays another signature of change: they are set against the post-1866 sky blue dragoon tunic (in 1867, the Austrian cavalry abandoned the white jacket for sky blue). Image also from the Ortner text in the author's collection.

 The M1861 Cavalry Saber was issued to the Cuirassiers, Hussars, Dragoons, and Uhlans. Interestingly, there was a "heavy" and a "light" version of the sword, but these were not distributed to "heavy" or "light" regiments (distinctions that still were in existence when the saber was adopted). Instead, every regiment received both heavy and light M1861 sabers, with numbers and internal distribution varying by unit (somehow very Austrian). Previous to the M1861, there were different patterns for different types of cavalry; the Uhlans (for instance) had their own pattern. So although the M1861 was issued to all units, it was not quite yet a "universal" cavalry saber given that there was a light and heavy version.  And now, on to the actual sword in my collection:


M1861 and Scabbard. The overall length of the sword, from pommel to blade tip, is roughly 42 inches. This sword is a service/trooper's version, meaning that it was produced to Austrian Army specifications, inspected and purchased by the state, and issued to troopers: in other words, it is a "combat" sword. 

The blade is quite long: 37 inches. There are few saber blades that are longer (short of cuirassier broadswords, and even those fall short). It is clearly, therefore, a "heavy" version of the M1861. The light version's blade is something on the order of 33 or 34 inches (for more, see Matt Easton's Youtube video; in it, he is talking about an M1861, light version saber, but refers to it as an M1858).
An overview of the parts and the sword markings for reference. Although these will be covered in detail below, there are a few things that are instructive to discuss here. First, any sword is composed of two parts: the blade and the hilt (and within these are many variations).  As far as the blade, a few things should be explained up front: the blade has two sides--the "inside" and the "outside." The inside (or left) is the side that rests against the wearer when in the scabbard. The outside (or right) is the other side, the one facing away from the wearer when in the scabbard. The above perspective shows the outside of the blade (the reason for this discursion will become evident shortly). The shape of the M1861 blade shows the continued (and nearly complete) evolution towards multi-purpose weapons that had been going on across Europe: blades that combine cut and thrust. The M1861 blade is still curved, with a long cutting edge (and so technically still a "saber"), but it is also nearly straight  with a spear point, a hybrid profile that can deliver also deliver a thrust similar to that of a traditional pallasch-type heavy cavalry broadsword. 
Furthermore, the last quarter of the top of the blade is sharpened (and also referred to as a "false edge"), allowing for a backhand cut and an enhanced thrust. I will add that my sword was definitely service sharpened and still has held its edge (particularly the false edge on the top, which did not have much wear!). So, I definitely must handle it with more care than I do most of my other service swords. One can only imagine what a murderous implement it must have been when its edge was keen and carried into combat.


Since I've already discussed the blade profile (cut vs thrust), we'll move on to other significant points.
Left: the outside, fullered, side of the blade. Right: the inside, flat, side of the  blade.

The outside of the blade is conventional, with a long fuller running from the ricasso (the block at the end of the blade next to the hilt) to roughly the foible (the last quarter to third of the blade. See the end of the Prussian 1852 Saber post for a bit of trivia concerning the foible).  Fullers are sometimes popularly referred to as  "blood channels" but that is not their purpose. A fuller is a design feature that, first and foremost, is used to lighten the blade. The number, form, and placement of fullers also influences other aspects, such as balance, strength, and flexibility. What sets the M1861 apart is the inside of the blade: which is flat!  Not only is the absence of a fuller unique among post-medieval swords, but this asymmetrical blade cross section, with one side fullered and the other flat, is unique to Austrian sabers, starting with the M1861. 

Ricasso: This is the block of the blade next to the hilt. This is where you should find the maker/provider, the official "ordnance" marks, and (often) a date. Those are all here: the "CC" in the upper left hand of the picture is the Austrian Ordnance stamp, meaning that this blade had been inspected and accepted into the inventory. Often, there would be a double eagle stamped on the ricasso as well. There are various "shadow" marks that might indicate the presence of this additional ordnance mark that has been rubbed away, but it is not otherwise visible. The maker's stamp is present, but is only partially recognizable: "WELZL" (as far as I can make out). My research has not turned up an associated, known maker conforming to these letters. Finally, there is a partial date stamp: "186." 
Shoulders: The M1861 saber has the addition of blocks at the base of the blade (or the edge of the hilt) reinforcing the joint of the blade and the hilt. I must say that despite the age of this weapon, there is not a bit of movement in the handle or the blade. These would be stamped after issue in the unit, with the weapon number, "1835," on the outside shoulder (left). and the the unit: "13 DR" on the inside shoulder (right).  I'll speak a bit more about the unit later, but for now, I'll reveal that this unit abbreviation, "13 DR," = the 13th Dragoon Regiment. 


We now move to examining the hilt and what we can find here. Returning to my earlier mention of the backstrap and "ear," they are illustrated above. Unlike Prussian cavalry sabers (1811 Blucher and 1852 Cavalry), we aren't going to find markings on the Austrian hilt, but we can still examine the configuration and construction (ie, the pattern) for other identifying information. The position of the ear is one "tell": whereas these are normally centered, it is a characteristic of Austrian swords to find them forward, about 2/3 of the way forward. The long backstrap running the length of the handle is another Austrian characteristic. 

The Guard: This is the most distinctive feature of the M1861 cavalry saber, and  the thing that sets it apart from other Austrian swords that preceded and came after. Having said that, it also exhibits other characteristic Austrian features: it has the same half basket configuration as the M1858 (and M1869), and the unique double sword-strap slits at the front of the guard, but it is the pattern of piercings that sets it apart. Like the fuller, there is a functional purpose hand guard piercings, whatever their form: they lighten it.  There is no doubt that these extensive piercings would certainly lighten this hand guard. Some descriptions of the M1861 sword call these piercings "decorative," and I must say that I tend to agree: Whetehr intentional or not, they're more than functional. Unfortunately, this pattern would be short lived and not continue beyond the M1861. 

When present, scabbards provide additional information to help identify antique weapons--and they often tell their own stories as well. 
If you are still reading this and recall that I pointed out that note should be taken of the configuration of the M1858 scabbard, then I congratulate you and bring us back to that point. The M1861 scabbard represents another departure from earlier designs. It has only one (lower) fixed scabbard ring. And as opposed to an upper scabbard ring, it has a fixed bracket on the inside of the scabbard. Both of these would begin with the M1861 and be unique to Austrian scabbards going forward.
Scabbard Markings: Like Prussian scabbards, Austrian scabbards bear markings that tell a story, one that is often different than the sword. Parts of swords (hilts and blades) are repurposed and re-used, as are scabbards.  In a depot, scabbards and swords are reconditioned, put together, and reissued.  It would not be until a sword was issued to a unit that new marks (weapon number and unit) would be stamped (and any previous ones struck through).  So it is not unusual for a scabbard to not "match" its sword, particularly with antique weapons. We cannot say for sure whether this scabbard and sword were put together in a depot and never issued,  or if the scabbard and blade were married by a collector later on. What we do know is that the scabbard and sword are not matched, and don't have any other unit marks. The scabbard on its own, however, does give us a separate set of data. First of all, it fits beautifully, so it is most probably a correct M1861 patterned scabbard (and the material, iron, reinforces this finding). The markings tell us something definitive, if you know how to interpret them.  The throat on the outside of the scabbard has the weapon number: it's hard to make out, but my guess is  "947". On the inside of the scabbard is the unit stamp; in this case, "3 T D".  This abbreviation (3 T D) indicates that the scabbard was last officially assigned to weapon number 947 of the 3rd Train Division (a logistics organization). Given that there are no other marks, which would be struck through, it indicates that this scabbard was only issued once. 

The M1861 hilt and scabbard were made of cast iron. The condition of my sword shows this. There was active rust on the both the hilt and the scabbard. Somewhere along the line, someone had painted both of them silver (probably in an attempt to prevent rust).  My style of collecting is not to return artifacts to original condition, but to preserve them as is, while certainly cleaning them up and stabilizing them. So, I spent several days with fine steel wool and CLP (Break Free) removing the active rust and getting as much of the paint off as possible. I then sealed the surfaces with Museum wax. Nevertheless, the pitting on the hilt (in particular) certainly shows that it is iron.

The blade, being steel, was in excellent condition (aside from the wear and build up at the ricasso).

Examining the unit history associated with this sword, and the history of the Austrian cavalry during its service life, are not only interesting in their own right but add to the understanding of the artifact
Prinz Eugen Dragoons: The above is from the Imperial and Royal Dragoons Page. The 13th Dragoons were the latest iteration in the long history of the "Prince Eugen" Dragoons, which is an honorific title associated with a long standing dragoon regiment in the Austrian Army 
stretching back to the 17th Century. Over the years it had different numbers assigned, but has always been on the lists and as  the "Prinz Eugen" Dragoons. In the years just prior to 1860, it was Dragoon Regiment #5. 
A detail of from a set of photos of Austrian Soldiers in the 1866 campaign: it is labelled a "Dragoon of the 1st (Prinz Eugen) Dragoon regiment." You can clearly see his M1861 cavalry saber (note the signature perforations on the guard).  Why is this image of a trooper from Dragoon Regiment #1 relevant to our sword from the 13th Dragoon Regiment? To not go into too much detail, after the 1859 Campaign, the Austrian cavalry was reorganized (again). All but two dragoon regiments were converted to cuirassiers, making for a new total of 12 cuirassier regiments. The two remaining dragoon regiments, #5 and #6, were  renumbered to Dragoon Regiments #1 and #2 (with the new DR1 being the former DR 5, "Prinz Eugen," hence the picture above, which is the same regiment, only renumbered in this timeframe).  The dragoons were then classified as "light cavalry" (which is why they are sometimes also referred to as Chevaux legere).
Above: the 13th, Prince Eugen, Dragoons in 1914. So, how is it that the 13th Dragoons, in 1914, are relevant to this M1861 sword? After the disaster of 1866, the Austrian Empire became the "Austro-Hungarian" Empire (henceforth known until 1918 as the dual monarchy). Along with this, there was another major reorganization of the armed forces: a topic that is larger than our subject. The cavalry reorganization is relevant, however.  The twelve cuirassier regiments were converted to dragoons  and numbered 1-12.  The two already-existing dragoon regiments, numbers 1 and 2 from the 1859 reorganization, were re-numbered to Dragoon Regiments  #13 and #14, respectively, retaining their honorific titles.  This is how the Prinz Eugen Dragoons, starting our era as DR5, became DR1, and finally ended as Dragoon Regiment #13 (as marked on our sword). Which ultimately connects the visual evidence of the photo of the trooper of Dragoon Rgt #1 with his  M1861 sword with the unit marking (DR 13) of this sword.  Along with this reorganization, the new light blue tunic and red trousers were adopted. The regiment would continue as the 13th DR, Prinz Eugen, to the end of the first World War. 

The M1861 Cavalry Saber would be replaced by the M1869 cavalry saber (of that same date).  The M1869 would use the same pattern as the M1861 (light) blade, and it would be issued to all cavalry, becoming a true universal sword (the first for Austria). It would revert to the previous guard pattern, the half basket with the circular piercings, but the scabbard and guard would be made of steel as opposed to iron. As such, it was basically a reworked M1861 with new materials, and would serve as the standard weapon until 1909, basically, until World War One.  
See the excellent Pins and Sword YouTube Video for more on the M1869.

The thinking and connecting the dots that goes on when acquiring antique swords.
As far as authenticating an antique sword, you add up what you can find and know and see what you've got. Here is how the information on the item itself stacks up: I think it is very safe to say that it is an authentic M1861 Austrian Cavalry Sword (heavy version): 
1. All the indicators on the blade, the hilt, and the scabbard, are correct for the nation and pattern.  In short, they all conform to signature "Austrian" patterns.
2. Although there is no double eagle stamp, all the markings (ordnance, maker, date, weapon and unit) are present and in the correct form and location on the sword and scabbard (ie, what you would be looking for in the places they are supposed to be). It would be better if we could track down the maker, certainly, but the preponderance of information points to authenticity, regardless. 
3. The materials of the artifact are unique (iron), and consistent with the material used to make the M1861 saber. 
4. This is something of a "niche" sword, so not likely to be spoofed or faked like a French or English Napoleonic weapon, for instance, with wider appeal and more likely to catch the eye of a non-expert. Although you can't ever rule it out, you can say that that it is highly unlikely. And if someone were to have taken the pains to put together such a convincing fake, they probably would have made the unit designation something more straightforward than the 13th Dragoons and the scabbard would almost certainly be matched. 

As far as placing an antique weapon in history, that is always tricky and involves a bit of detective work, combining history with what the artifact tells  you. Often, you can't say very much beyond authenticating a weapon. But the combination of the historical record and this sword's features give us a good picture:
1. We can start by fixing the time window to 1861 to 1869 (or 70), based on the service life of the M1861 saber.  
2. The date stamp is incomplete, but also indicates the 1860s.
3. The unit stamp is the clincher: the 13th Dragoon regiment was not formed until 1867. Thus, we can place this weapon in the finite timeframe between the earliest point in time that it could have been assigned, 1867, and when it went out of service, 1869 (maybe a bit after that if it took some time after adoption to issue it to the unit). 
4. The absence of any struck through or modified unit markings strongly suggests that this weapon was not reissued, meaning that its service life was with one unit (the 13th Dragoons) in the timeframe established (1867-69/70).  

The focus of my collection is on actual combat swords--from eras when swords were still viable weapons used in mounted combat. As an extension of my interest in wargaming the history of blackpowder eras in particular, having the actual swords that opposed each other is very instructive (and it's just great fun to wield an authentic sword every now and then and shout, "charge!" when playing Napoleonics, for instance). In short, in order to understand history in detail, there is nothing like handling the actual weapons involved--cavalry swords in particular. 
Regarding the M1861 Austrian Cavalry Sword, I have it's opposite number, the Prussian M1852 Cavalry Saber (the subject of a previous post). These were the two weapons that literally crossed during 1866 War...  
...Painting by Vlacov Sochor of the clash between Prussian and Austrian Cavalry during the great cavalry engagement at Konnigratz...
...(Left detail)  Austrian Cavalry wielding the M1861 Cavalry Saber
...(Right detail) Prussian Dragoons wielding the Prussian M1852 Cavalry Saber.

Like the Prussian 1852 Cavalry Saber, of which I have a private purchase/officer's version to go along with the service weapon, I also have an officer's version of the Austrian M1861:
I was going to include it in this post, but seeing how lengthy it has become, I will do a later post on that particular sword on its own at a later date. Apologies for the length of this post--and if anyone is still reading at this point, I both thank you--and congratulate you on your endurance!


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