Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Mid-battle perspective from the Austrian battery looking towards the center.

Keeping up the momentum on the development of the Chocolate Box Wars (CBW) rules, I managed to run another playtest last weekend. To be able to compare outcomes, I retained the scenario, terrain and force structures of previous playtests, but for variety, I brought out my Hungarians and Austrians, setting this game in the Hungarian Revolt (1848/49). As usual, in this post, you may clix pix for BIG PIX. 

The Hungarians at start ready to be deployed: 4 Line Infantry Bns, 1 Jager Bn, 1 Grenadier Bn, 1 Auxiliary Volunteer Bn (German Legion), 1 Line Cavalry Rgt (Hussars), 1 Squadron of Freiwilliger Jager Hussars, and 1 Field Battery. 

The Austrians: The same force mix except that the cavalry mix was a Dragoon Rgt and a Hussar Squadron, and the Auxiliary Volunteer Bn was a unit of Freiwilliger Jagers.

A closeup of the cavalry contingents. Above left, the squadron of Hungarian Freiwilliger Jager Hussars (repurposed Red Hussars from the Foundry Maximillian Adventure Line). Above right, Austrian Hussar Squadron in the foreground and Dragoon Regiment in the background (Northstar 1866 figures).

For this game, I added one more tool. These are 12" measuring sticks, marked off in 4" (the base), 2" and 1" segments. This calibration and length will handle about 90 percent of the on table action (short range is 4": long range for infantry is 12"--all movement is in 2" increments, and only cavalry move more than 12"). I made one up out of a round dowel and another using a square one. It turned out that one player, AJ, used these (he preferred the square), and the other, Rob, stuck to the tape measure (old habits...). So the jury is still out on these. At the very least, I think this playtest validated their utility; their use is more a matter of preference than function. In other words, I'll keep 'em and bring them out for future games. 

Making a return engagement from his role as the Danes in the last playtest, AJ took up the Austrian cause. 
Making his first CBW foray, Rob surveys the field and deploys the Hungarians. 

The view from my facilitator's chair as both sides make opening maneuvers.

AJ pushes the Austrian right flank forward.

Rob counters by bringing up the Hungarian left wing forward. 

With the Hungarian flank infantry battalion having a hit marker (the black cube) and multiple activations, the table was set for cavalry action: AJ pushes the Austrian Dragoons across to try and catch them before they can recover. But Rob reacts with the Hungarian Hussars (just visible in the lower right hand corner)...
...who would take lumps in the exchange and from fire from across the river, but put multiple hits on the Austrian Dragoons, who AJ then pulled out in a Retire and Reform action (above right). The Hungarian flank situation stabilizes. This vignette was an important one not just for the game, but for the playtest. The way it unfolded validated the mechanics behind the core tactical concepts (thankfully!). 

Meanwhile, things continued to develop in the center, and both battle lines started to form across from each other at the bridge. In the above right, the Austrian Grenadiers are seen steadying the line.
Unfortunately for Rob, their counterparts, the Hungarian Grenadiers, had been dispatched to Valhalla by then; a sign of how things were going in general.

A closeup of a brown-jacketed Hungarian Honved line infantry battalion stoutly holding the bridge (conversions aside, the Hungarians are former Steve Barber, now Keelmen Miniatures, figures).
A reduced Austrian Line Battalion facing the Hungarians in the center (Austrian line figures are repurposed Perry British Intervention Force infantry in 1855 shakos). 
The German Legion holding down the right end of the Hungarian position (figures are converted ACW Perry Iron Brigade).
Moving across the support the center, Austrian Volunteer Freiwillger Jagers (figures are converted Steve Barber/Keelmen minis infantry in porge cap). 
A shot of a candy striped Hungarian gun carriage, no Hungarian Revolt battle report would be complete without one. Figures are converted Northstar 1866 Austrian gunners.  

The situation at the conclusion of the playtest. Although the Hungarians still held a coherent position...
...the butcher's bill had been heavy (Hungarian dead pile, below, Austrian, above). The Austrians had certainly suffered losses, but they were distributed down the line and AJ had been able to do enough rallies to keep from losing stands. Rob was unfortunate in that hits against him came in bunches before he could rally them off (General Dice was not with him this day).  The Hungarians at this point were within two stands of being exhausted, so we called it, having achieved the objective of the playtest--a few more lessons learned and a few incremental changes to try for the next game. Otherwise, things are looking good. 

So good, in fact, that in the room down the hall, Gracie even took notice and opened her eyes. Rose, on the other hand, was neither disturbed nor impressed (we call it the guest room, but you can see who really owns it).



  1. Another interesting report and a very nice looking table, those Hungarians are rather nice, I do like them a lot. Your rules work well and you must be happy with them, they do seem to give a really good game and finally it really is a dogs life!

    1. Thanks, Donnie. So far, so good. The Hungarians may be revolting (sorry, old joke), but that doesn't mean that they can't look dandy!

  2. Great to see you maintaining your momentum at the gaming table, Ed. I especially enjoy seeing your 19th Century armies out on maneuvers. Super looking figures. I like using round measuring sticks with distances marked off in varying-colored bands. When hosting remote games, I only have two hands. One usually holds the QRS and the other the measuring stick which I use as pointer too.

    1. I'm getting a kick out of seeing them out an on the table as well. I think I'll try to use a different match up each playtest (got the toys, might as well use 'em).

  3. Very nice-looking collection of CBW figures Ed and an interesting vibe of the mid 19th century again! My gaming mate Julian has similar measuring sticks, although they can be slightly unwieldy at either 18 or 24 inches long!

    1. Thanks, Keith. I experimented with longer sticks/rulers, but decided on the 12" for the reasons you mentioned. When longer measurements come up, a tape measure provides.

  4. nice looking functional table and terrain.
    measuring sticks are handy but it's just a matter of taste. I like square ones so they don't roll away. I use them on occasion.
    glad that your rules are working well. It must be hard to write rules, I've never even tried.
    The dogs are living the good life it seems.

    1. I've only recently started to warm up to measuring sticks, so can go either way. In this case, I wanted a consistent look to the game to go with the other trappings, and measuring sticks contribute to the "Chocolate Box Wars" toy soldier angle. As far as the dogs, they're definitely the boss of me.

  5. Another great game and another period that fascinates me; maybe it's having covered the 1848 Revolutions in school that somehow resonates with me? Either way lots for the gamer to explore. Never new about those striped gun carriages, which look so cool!

    1. All other attractions aside, the striped gun carriages really are the clincher. You may want to check out my April 2017 post on a first hand account of the Hungarian Revolt: "Scenes from the civil war in Hungary, 1848/49"


  6. Enjoyable report and great looking game.

    1. Thanks, Richard. i'm leaning into the next iteration to keep the momentum going.

  7. What a fun game! I look forward to playing more!

    1. Thanks for dropping bye, AJ. More to come!


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